Spiritual battles

There is a war going on in some of our lives daily that defies comprehension. Yet we smile and amazingly go on simply because we understand that the battle belongs to the Lord.

When God fights our battles, we can smile, laugh even, in the face of trials and temptations.

As believers, our fight is not physical but a spiritual battle. So when the spirit of Jezebel comes, we already know that it comes from the enemy and has as its objective to disrupt, sow discord and hinder the harmony among believers.

It’s time to kick Jezebel out and let freedom reigns.

Have a blessed Tuesday everyone.


Patrick E. Jones
Patrick E. Jones
Executive Director
Hope Media (Radio & Television)


Written by our Executive Director Patrick E. Jones.

If you would like to have more information about a closer walk with Jesus, you can reach us via email or WhatsApp 607-6777.

May God’s blessings be with you always.

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